PALIG Information

Data Privacy and Protected Information

To conduct day-to-day business with PALIG, our Third Parties may need access to confidential/protected information. We take the protections of privacy for our customers and employees very seriously, and follow all applicable laws and regulations directed toward privacy and information security.

We require Third Parties to collect, process, use, store, and retain personal information obtained from PALIG, or about PALIG employees, customers, and other Third Parties, only as necessary and in compliance with all applicable data privacy and data protection laws. Third Parties must take steps to protect this information against unauthorized use or release, ensuring this information is protected, and remains confidential. Third Parties must not disclose any protected information unless given written permission from PALIG and shall never sell confidential/protected information provided by PALIG.

In addition, Third Parties are required to immediately notify PALIG of any information security incidents and provide PALIG with information necessary to meet reporting obligations under the applicable regulations. In addition, Third Parties must ensure that any of their subcontractors abide by our privacy requirements, as well as any applicable privacy and information security regulations.

Intellectual Property

We value and encourage the protection of PALIG’s intellectual property (such as patents, trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, or any other) and proprietary information while simultaneously respecting the valid intellectual property rights of Third Parties.

Third Parties must respect our intellectual property, including processes, information, and technology, and may not disclose this information without written permission from PALIG.

Accuracy of Business Records

We expect our Third Parties to:

· Honestly and accurately record and report all business information and comply with all applicable laws regarding their completion and accuracy.

· Create, retain, destroy and dispose of business records in full compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

· Be honest, direct, and truthful in discussions with regulatory agency representatives and government officials.

· Make available records related to PALIG business upon request.